Belarus Visa


Visas are required to enter Belarus. Exceptions are made for the citizens of the CIS, Cuba, Korea (the Democratic People's Republic), Macedonia, Mongolia, Vietnam, Serbia and Montenegro and holders of diplomatic passports from several states.

Belarusian visa is normally issued by a Belarusian embassy or consulate in 5 working days, there is also a possibility to get it urgently (in 48 hours) by paying a double fee.

The fee for Belarusian private or business single visa varies from US$ 40 to $ 80.

Visas for children under 16 are issued free of charge, though a visa processing fee can be levied in this case by certain Belarusian embassies or consulates.

There is no possibility to get a Belarusian entry visa on the border (except for the National airport Minsk-2).

To get a Belarusian business visa a foreigner has to present an original invitation of any Belarusian legal person, which is officially registered in the Republic of Belarus.

To get a visa for private purposes foreigner has to present an invitation issued to a Belarusian resident by his citizenship and migration office. The original invitation should be handed over to an embassy/consulate or Consular office at the National airport in this case; no fax or photocopy is accepted. Multiple private visa is issued upon presentation of the original invitation to foreigners, visiting their close relatives.

Belarusian tourist visas are issued upon presentation of the original of the tourist voucher received from any Belarusian tour operator or tourist agency.

Visas can be valid for one, two, three or multiple entries. They are to be used within the period indicated therein.
In case of need, private or business visa can be extended up to 90 days when staying in Belarus. It will be done by the Minsk city citizenship and migration office (contact phone + 375 17 231-38-09) or Regional citizenship and migration office in Grodno, Brest, Minsk, Mogiliov, Gomel upon presentation of all required documents. Tourist visa cannot be extended.
Exit permits required for all foreigners intending to leave the country with expired visas. They are issued by the Minsk city passport and visa office or Regional passport and visa offices in Grodno, Brest, Minsk, Mogiliov, Gomel.